Position your website above the search results using Pay per click advertising. Your ads show up when customers search on related keywords and you are only charged for valid clicks. Improve website traffic and sales by showing your ads to users interested in your products or services.
Congratulations! You’ve done a trial test on some advertisements to find out which combination of words work best, you’ve understood the metrics to pick the best advertisements for your website and... More
This is the fourth article in our five-part series on the basics of Pay Per Click Marketing. We’re unpackaging a three-step process, Trial Understand Change This series will reveal how to... More
The growth of PPC (pay-per-click) marketing is growing at phenomenal rates. From Facebook to Google, the ability for any sized company to target their audience within a set and measurable budget means... More
In this series we’ve run through the basics of Pay Per Click Marketing, starting with clarification of some of the most common terms. Coming up we’ll be outlining the three-step process required to... More
The world of Pay Per Click marketing can be confusing; you just wanted to know about advertising on Google and suddenly you’re met with phrases like ‘click-through’, ‘keywords’, ‘ad copy’... More
Christmas is a great time for PPC campaigns. There are lots of people searching for Christmas gifts online and lots of companies advertising on Google to sell their products to these Christmas shoppers.... More
Pay per click advertising is also known as PPC or ‘paid search’ advertising. It’s more than just advertising on Google… despite it’s prominent use in online advertising strategies it is actually... More
Do you know what a PPC campaign is? If someone asked you which social media platform you have the highest customer interaction on, do you know how to reply? What’s the best way to connect with an online... More
The average business devotes nearly a quarter of online marketing budgets to paid search - or Pay Per Click advertising – and the figure is set to grow in 2014. According to the UK Search Engine Marketing... More
Congratulations! It’s time to start advertising your products or services to the billions of users surfing the internet every day. There’s just one problem: how do you find the users who want your... More