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Websites 101: Part 4 – Goals, what do you want to achieve from your website

Posted on: June 17th, 2014 by Walid Abou-Halloun
Categories: Business, New Website, and Website Redesign. Tags: How To and Website Design.

Websites 101: Part 4 – Goals, what do you want to achieve from your website

The first and foremost question you need to ask yourself when designing a website is the business goals you want to achieve. Next, put yourself in the place of your target customer and judge your design from a customer’s perspective.

Goals are the ones that act as a guide for your designer to create the perfect website for your business. By defining your primary goals right from the beginning, you maximise your chances of conversions.

Remember a website that is designed without proper business goals in mind is like shooting in the dark. Your web designer will keep trying and testing out various things resulting in unnecessary expenditure and loss of your valuable time.

What are some of the possible goals you may want to achieve?

Attract more customers

Your website is the first place your online customers come to when looking for a service similar to what you have to offer. A good looking and easy to navigate website is a great way to attract your more customers and prospects.

24×7 company and product information

Content is king and a website is the ideal way to provide your customers with the information they are looking for. Ensure that your website content is engaging and updated.

Promote and sell new products and services

If you are an online store your main aim for designing a website would be to create a virtual shopping window for your visitors. Your website in this case will be the place where you showcase your products and services, attract customers with effective call to actions and fascinating offers and facilitate secure online transactions with adequate certifications.

Improve brand awareness

Your aim for designing a website may simply be to let more and more people know about your business rather than directly sell your products and services. A well designed, SEO friendly website will rank higher on Google and other search engines. As users search online, your website appears on the top of search result pages every time exposing your brand to more and more eyeballs improving brand awareness.

While designing a website always put yourself in the shoes of your prospective customer. This will help you and your designer to create a more user friendly website design. Ask yourself some simple questions as:

• Does the website look good at the first glance?
• Is it easy to search for the information, product or service you are looking for?
• Do the images or web pages take too long to load?
• Is the overall navigation easy and quick?
• Is the checkout process simple if it is an ecommerce website?

The idea is to create a website design that is aligned to your business goals, converts and most importantly is designed keeping the end customer in mind.

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