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Everything You Need to Know About Designing a Social Media Strategy

Posted on: July 18th, 2014 by Walid Abou-Halloun
Categories: _Social Media and Marketing. Tags: Social, Social Media, and Strategy.

Everything You Need to Know About Designing a Social Media Strategy

With the social media revolution, how people search for products or check authenticity has greatly changed. More and more customers rely on feedback and recommendations provided by friends or people on their social networking circles before finally deciding to opt for a product or service. All this makes it imperative for businesses to have an effective social media strategy.

The whole idea is that once you build a relationship with your customers, they will love to buy from you. We all trust people we know right? Social media is all about making your customers familiar to your brand. Social media sites are your online word of mouth advertising. What you share on these sites spreads online to your customers and people in their networks.

You do not need to shout about your business or impose your brand and its products on customers. It’s about being authentic and delivering engaging, valuable and quality information to your customers and followers using popular platforms. Doing this diligently will help you build relationships with your customers. Also, you get established as a trusted source in the eyes of your customers and prospects which gives you a profitable edge over your competitors.

Does simply getting your business on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter assure success? Can you sit and relax once you have a decent number of fans or followers on these social networking sites? No you can’t. If your current social media strategy isn’t getting you new subscribers or converting prospects into customers you need to re-work on the strategy. Social media is much more than simply setting up your business accounts on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn and occasionally posting some content on it. It is about attracting and engaging your target customers and making them come back to you for more.

Things to focus on when designing your social media strategy

Knowing your audience and being consistent

Your social media strategy needs to be consistent in order to be a hit. You may like to research your audience and topics that interest them.

Editorial Calendar

You may also want to create an editorial calendar to help you get more organised with a list of target keywords, content updates, appropriate call to actions and more.

Choose the right network

Choosing the right social media network for your business also matters. Do not blindly go for Facebook because it’s the most popular. It is crucial to discover who your target audience is and where they spend most of their time.

Content is King

We keep hearing about the importance of content. Yes, content forms a major part of your social media strategy. When everyone else is creating and sharing content, what is it about your content that would prompt users to like and share it. Provide your audience with something unique in line with your business goals.

Be open to feedback

Social media is not about one way conversation where you keep bombarding your customers with information. Try keeping your ears open to audience feedback and take out time to listen and implement what your target customers have to say.

Active Monitoring

Last but not the least; keep monitoring your social media campaigns so that you create content that resonates with your target audience.

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