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Little known facts that can affect your website performance

Posted on: June 26th, 2014 by Walid Abou-Halloun

Little known facts that can affect your website performance

There are quite a lot of factors that have their impact on the overall performance of a website. Below is a quick look at some facts you simply cannot ignore!

Do you have a website that loads fast?

Online users are always in a hurry, remember users today expect websites to load within 4 seconds. If your website does not load quickly, users will move on to your competitor’s website. This will affect your website traffic, decreasing the number of conversions and your revenue.
To make sure that your web pages load quick providing users with a great browsing experience, go for a dedicated server. Another way is to compress the texts and images on your website. This reduces the load on your server helping it to load quicker.

Responsive or not?

Does your website offer seamless navigation across a variety of devices? With increasing number of users accessing the internet on their smartphones and tablets rather than desktops, it is important that you provide them with the same experience while they browse your website on their mobile as well as their desktop computer. Optimise your website for a range of devices today!

Browser Issues

Did you know that the browser used by your client can have a significant impact on the way your website appears or functions?
Yes, websites do appear different on different browsers. Browsers have their own list of website codes or web design elements they support and the list varies from one browser to another. Design elements like corners, transparency, movement or shading may appear perfect in one browser while appearing distorted in the other.
Each browser also has several versions. The internet is undergoing changes all the time and once a browser is updated, it may no longer support the older website coding. This is a common problem with older websites.

Screen Resolution

Websites do not abide by the one-size-fits-all rule and the screen resolution of the device used can create issues when it comes to the appearance of your website. The same web pages can look awesome on one laptop while appear a complete mess on another. 1024 X 768 is currently the most popular screen resolution and it is recommended that your website is optimised to this resolution. This is not mandatory and you can always try and test out different settings to find out which works best for you depending on your website audience and the resolution they prefer most.

Content Management

Try getting answers to these simple questions.

Is your website content arranged properly? Is your most important content front and centre and above the fold so that users can see it without scrolling? Do you have effective call to action buttons asking customers to take the desired action? Do you offer a clear description of your products or services? Remember content is king and users will come and stay on your website only if you provide them with useful and engaging information.

Do your website images use the image Alt attribute?

A great way to make your Web site accessible to all prospective customers is by using an image alt attribute in your image tags. This means that in case the image is not visible an alternative text will be displayed. If you are not using this attribute potential customers may see a blank box and will have no idea what the image is supposed to represent.

Remember, having a great website is not enough if it does not load fast, has screen resolution issues, lacks effective call to action buttons or is not optimised for multiple screen sizes.

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