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6 Stupid Things People Do When Redesigning A Website

Posted on: February 14th, 2014 by Walid Abou-Halloun

6 Stupid Things People Do When Redesigning A Website

Website redesign is a great idea if your current website is not performing how you want it to. However, there’s a lot of stupid things people do when changing their current website design.

Here’s a list of our favourites:

  • Make Changes Off The Top Of Their Heads
    Why are you changing your logo? What is it about the menu on the left hand side that is affecting your sales? You don’t like that colour blue? What do your customers think?One of the dumbest things to do when redesigning a website is just make changes off the top of your head without any actual market research or web developer experience. If you’re not part of the web site designers’ profession, then you need some insight into what ‘usually’ works or – even better – what will work for your customers in particular.
  • Change Everything One Person Doesn’t Like
    Even if your web developer is an expert their opinion isn’t law. Nor is it necessarily the opinion of your customer. Nor is one of your customer’s opinion always representative of all of their opinions.
    The best way to get feedback about your website is in groups. Lots of people. Lots of opinions. Then you can decide who’s opinion you agree with most and make a better-informed decision.
  • Copy Some ‘Cool’ Website like Apple or Coca-Cola
    Maybe you will be one day, but right now you’re not Apple. Or Coca-Cola. Or even your competitor. Don’t be complete copy cat – copy those parts of others website that have elements that will also work for your business and target market.
  • Publish it before user testing
    This is the one everyone always does. Businesses are so afraid of real people seeing the design and giving us feedback that means they need to do more work or change it again that they often just tell themselves that it’s ‘ready to go’ in the rush to get it out there. Schedule in time for user testing so you have an opportunity to fix problems before they effect your bottom line. Has someone gone through the entire process of ordering a product from you? Have they signed up for your email newsletter? Have multiple people perform critical tasks before you get it out there.
  • Ignore The Analytics
    Your analytics for the old website are outdated now so they’re not important right? Absolutely not true. Your analytics are now more important than ever because you need to compare the new website’s design to how the old website was performing. Make sure you keep your old analytics comparing to your new analytics.
  • Change It Just Because They’re Bored
    Some businesses end up changing their website every other year simply because they’re bored with it so they assume their customers will be too. This isn’t necessary. In fact, consumers like consistency. It’s far better to invest a large amount of money up front in an effective design right from the beginning that will last a long time, than to have a continually rolling agenda of half-baked websites.

Redesign your website with Complete Cloud’s web site designers and make sure you get value for money and top rate performance.

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