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5 Facebook Campaigns That Actually Worked – Make Yours Do The Same!

Posted on: March 4th, 2014 by Walid Abou-Halloun

5 Facebook Campaigns That Actually Worked – Make Yours Do The Same!

Facebook isn’t just for friendly communication anymore. According to hubspot, over 70% of businesses targeting consumers have gained a customer through Facebook. If your Facebook page is languishing with no Likes or interaction, here’s some inspirational campaigns that did actually work and what you can learn from them.

Mother Of The Year – KitchenAid


What It Was

Contestants uploaded a photo of their Mum along with her favourite recipe. The favourites won favourite KitchenAid prizes.

Why It Worked

It connected KitchenAid’s product with the sentimentality and emotion surrounding the people most likely to use those products – Mums. It had a social drive as much as a promotion drive, to honour those who have loved and nurtured us.

What You Can Learn

What emotional connects are around your products and the people who use them? How can you highlight these emotional connections and honour the people involved?

Lay’s Do Us A Flavor

Flavor Ambush from Energy BBDO on Vimeo.

What It Was

Contestants were charged with coming up with a new flavour for Lay’s chips. They had to select three ingredients and write a description of what their new chip flavour would taste like. Thought this might be beyond your own budget, the winner – Cheesy Garlic Bread – was appreciated to the tune of $1m.

Why It Worked

People LOVE getting involved with your brand! Can you ask them to suggest a new feature or customise something that can then be named after themselves? Invite your Likers to post their entry on Facebook and those with the most likes will win.

PowerLight A Village


What It Was

A socially-conscious movement to raise awareness and money for villages to be supplied with solar powered lights and solar panels. Every light, comment or share translated into a unit of energy, donated by Garnier Men.

Why It Worked

People love social causes and love sharing that they’re involved in social causes. If you’re looking to raise awareness of your brand – as well as do some social good in the world – partner with a social cause and offer to pledge a certain amount of money for each Like their page receives.

Target, Back To School


What It Was

Target specifically focussed a campaign on all the kids going back to school. Consumers could vote for their local school to receive a portion of money from Target – the most votes per student got the money.

Why It Worked

The campaign was seasonally appropriate – it wouldn’t have worked so well in the middle of exam times! It also gave back to the community rather than just ‘asking’ for Likes.

Help Remedies “Who Gave Me The Flu?”


What It Was

Help Remedies, a pharmaceutical company, tapped into the power of Facebook’s data to suggest who it was in a person’s friendship group who had probably given them the flu. It was done in a lighthearted way and came with a discount coupon for flu products.

Why It Worked

It was funny and used a person’s real life friends to provide a bit of entertainment which spread the message around. How could your product involve your customer’s friends?

Remember that effective campaigns are creative campaigns, customised to your business and your consumers.

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